Tilgang på rent vann er viktig.

Follo og Rygge Soroptimistklubber har med støtte fra Norgesunionen hjulpet til med finansieringen av renoveringen av flere brønner i Moldova.

De sanitære forholdene i Moldova, særlig på landsbygda, er av en helt annen standard enn i Norge. Det er mange som ikke har innlagt vann og har utedo.  Det er mye forurensninger i grunnen og mange må koke drikkevannet.

I 2013, da vi etablerte klubben i Nisporeni, kom vi i kontakt med en mann fra Østerike som var prosjektleder for et stort vannprosjekt i Nisporeni distrikt. Det ble etablert et vannverk, Apa Canal, som renser vann fra elven Prut.  Vannverket leverer vann til tre områder i Nisporenidistriktet, Nisporeni town, Varzarezti and Grozesti, men det er fortsatt områder i distriktet som ikke mottar vann fra dette vannverket.  Vi ser også at Apa Canal har hatt utfordringer, og ADA (Austrian Development Agency) har ledet et tilleggsprosjekt tilknyttet dette vannverket. Det er blitt tilført mer kapital og vannavgiftene er justert opp.  Det store spørsmålet er om innbyggerne klarer å betale økte vannavgifter.  Det har vi ikke sett noen vurdering av.

Vi har vært med å finansiere renvoering av flere brønner i Nisporeni distrikt som ikke får vann fra Apa Canal. i 2014 -2015 finansierte vi renovering av brønner i Basceni og Isaicani.  I 2017 var vi med å finansiere renoveringen av en brønn i Valea Tresteni Village.


I 2021 fikk Follo og Rygge soroptimistklubber støtte  fra Norgesunionen av Soroptimister for å renovere en brønn i landsbyen Ciutesti.  På grunn av værforholdene og sykdom kom Nisporeni Soroptimistklubb i gang noe senere enn planlagt, men brønnen ble ferdig renovert i desember 2021. I forbindelse med åpningen av den renoverrte brønnen delte de også ut klær til fattige innbyggere.

Bildet viser den ferdig renoverte brønnen i Ciutesti med plakater som viser at Follo og Rygge har bidratt.

Vi fikk nedenstående epost fra prosjektleder i desember 2021:

«I hope you are all well on the eve of the beautiful winter holidays.

I have a great pleasure that together with you SI Follo and Rygge  SISTERS - we managed to do a GREAT job for my  village CIutesti, to renovate the spring in the center of the village. 

Everyone is happy that we were able to bring water and all the citizens of the village have access to the main natural resource WATER. Of course this is done  with friendship and support from All Soroptimists all respect to YOU!.
I want to tell you that at this event we also did a charity  through the Community Development Center 21 (where we are several women involved from the village) and the Italian Diaspora  giving clothes for people in need.  We distributed clothes to the poor  people. This fact brought joy and happiness to these people during the winter. It is always appreciated.

Together we were able to overcome several problems, even if this project lasted longer than originally planned. Sorry for this delay.

Thank you very much for your patience with me, but everything you have done for the people of Ciutesti village is very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you in Moldova and in my village Ciutesti to enjoy together, to be able to share our joy and to celebrate this occasion when you visit us.
I want to THANK everyone and each individually who believed and supported this project.  Please let me know if any questions or clarification

With deep respect,
Yours, Galina"



Vi har med hjelp av Norgesunionen bidratt i finansieringen av renovering av 3 brønner/fontener i Soltanesti.   De har greidd å gjennomføre renoveringen rimeligere enn budsjettert – blant annet på grunn av egeninnsats fra beboerne i landsbyen. Derfor har de også kjøpt inn materialer til en fjerde brønn som de vil gjøre ferdig til sommeren.

Vi spurte SI Nisporeni kunne skrive litt om landsbyen Soltanesti og vannsituasjonen.  2. februar 2021 mottok vi et notat fra Elena Tabara på engelsk.  Vi synes det er en god beskrivelse av Soltanesti og vannsituasjonen  der.  Vi velger å ikke rette på noe i notatet.  Notatet, se nedenfor, viser at de også kan uttrykke seg meget bra på engelsk.   

Norwegian Union of Soroptimists supplies with water people from Moldova

 ”Water is the source of life”. That is why the Soroptimists from Norway, accepted to support the reconstruction of the wells from Soltănești – a village situated in the center-west of Moldova, at 10 kilometers from the town of Nisporeni, with a population of 1576 inhabitants - most of them old, with low income. About 250 people are employed in agriculture, 82 people work at the Pigs Growing Complex, 45 - work at 2 factories from Nisporeni, some work at the  Hall, kindergarten or school.

 The problem of water in Soltănești is not new. Because of  the drought of the recent years and the unfavorable ecology, the villagers were not supplied with drinking water.  In 2010, the project “Supply of citizens with drinking water” was implemented and financed from the Fund of investments of the R.Moldova, but the main source of water identified in this project disappears from May to October. In the months of November-February the inhabitants are supplied with water 2 days a week.             The population of the village cannot be ,also, supplied with water from the existing Nisporeni-Prut aqueduct in the near future, because a new treatment plant is necessary to be constructed. The existing one was not projected for a bigger volume of water.      Due to the address of  Cozari Zinaida, resident of Soltanesti village, a woman with initiative and with a lot of enthusiasm, a former member of  Soroptimist International Nisporeni Club, the reconstruction of old sources of water  was initiated. With the support of the Follo and Rygge Soroptimist Clubs from Norway, three sources of water were restaured, renoveted,  in prdere to be useful for people. We, also, have  to mention that the reconstruction works at these fountains were carried out with care. The villagers contributed with physical work more than we expected,that is why we managed to make some economies. There were saved at the first fountain 410 euros, which were used at the second fountain,  in 2019; from the third fountain  - 450 euros were saved, which were used at the fourth fountain,  in 2020, to buy building materials. This fountain will be finished in the summer of this year. The village administration contributed with 150 euros to 2 fountains.      The members of the Nisporeni Soroptimist Club monitored the progress of the construction works at these fountains, they organized meetings with the villagers. The correctness of the use of finances was checked. Now,  the three renovated fountains are used by about 750 people. Even people from nearby villages come and take water. Even if the quality of water is not very high, the inhabitants are very thankful and take care of these fountains to keep them in good condition, as an essential source of life. It is well known that the underground water in Moldova was strongly polluted during the communistic period, when a lot of pesticides were used. So, all over the country, the quality standards of water are not the best. Local authorities are negociating with romanian authorities to bring water from the Carpatian Mountains.      The implementation of these projects ment a big help  the inhabitants. It eliminated the outbreaks of infectious diseases, strengthened food security and  improved the infrastructure of the village.

“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” — Thomas Fuller

SI Nisporeni, Elena Tabara, president.


Ferdig renovert brønn.
Åpning brønnen i Ciutesti i 2021
Utdeling av klær til fattige.
Brønnen i Ciutesti før renovering.